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What is a CLG?

The Students’ Union is registered as a Company Limited by Guarantee (CLG) which employs both elected officers and staff members. TU Dublin SU CLG is bound by the Companies Act 2014.

  • TU Dublin SU CLG is owned by the Students of TU Dublin by virtue of their membership of the Union. 
  • The CLG does not involve itself with the Politics of the elected representatives of the Students’ Union and instead is tasked with operational functions in order to support the work of the elected officer team.
  • The CLG comprises members and directors, as per company law. Both members and directors are made up of a majority of students.
  • The members meet at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) to oversee the annual Finance and Risk Audit.
    • The registered Company Number is 109412 (at the CRO) and the published accounts are available on the Companies Registration office website.
  • The directors meet at Board meetings to manage the following operational functions of the Union:
    • Financial Management
    • Human Resourcing
    • Corporate Governance
    • Risk Management
    • General Operations and Logistics
  • The CLG is committed to good governance and follows the relevant rules set out in the Charity Governance Code
  • A CLG does not have a share capital. 
  • The CLG has a single-document Constitution, incorporating a Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association. This is mentioned later as the CLG Constitution or Company Constitution. It sets out the objects of the CLG and the CLG has the capacity to act on anything stated in the objects. Thus, the Company Constitution exists next to the political Constitution voted for by the students of TU Dublin.

Who are the faces of the CLG? 

14 Directors

In the CLG Constitution


How are they chosen?

The President of TU Dublin SU

 Brian Jordan

Ex-officio by being an elected representative

The TU Dublin SU VP for Academic Affairs

 Shauna O'Toole

The TU Dublin SU VP for Communications & Media 

 Louise Kavanagh

The TU Dublin SU VP for Welfare & Equality 

 Nekesa Khisa 

The TU Dublin SU VP for Events & Engagement  Ian Kelly

4 students appointed by the TU Dublin SU Student Council (representing all campuses)

  • Samantha Corcoran
  • Annabel Biddulph 
  • Mary Akinlolu 
  • Robert Brennan Bell

Any TU Dublin student can apply by filling out a nomination form. Candidates are then voted on by Student Council.

5 non-executive directors (selected externally for a period of 3 years), one of whom is appointed the Independent Chairperson of the Board.

  • Deiric O’Broin (Chairperson)
  • Frank Crummey
  • Maria Hegarty
  • Ciaran Crosbie
  • Vacant

Read Biographies of External Directors here.

By interview process monitored by the Nominations Committee

All Directors sign a Code of Conduct when appointed Director of the Board.

Here is a sample of a Board meeting agenda.

11 Members

In the CLG Constitution


How are they chosen?

The TU Dublin SU VP for Blanchardstown Campus 

 Jeremy Lawler

Ex-officio by being an elected representative


The TU Dublin SU VP for Tallaght Campus

 Sheran Bahadir

The TU Dublin SU VP for City Campus

 Peter McCann

The TU Dublin SU Postgraduate Officer

 Avice Meya

6 students appointed by the TU Dublin SU Student Council (representing all campuses)

  • Dominique Baldwin
  • James Reneghan
  • Aoife O'Brien
  • Amber Thomas

Any TU Dublin student can apply by filling out a nomination form. Candidates are then voted on by Student Council.

The Chairperson of the Board of Directors of the Company

Deiric O’Broin

By interview process monitored by the Nominations Committee


  • The General Manager of TU Dublin SU reports to the Board of TU Dublin SU CLG.
  • The Company Secretary of TU Dublin SU CLG is provided by KOMSEC, an external company.
  • Administrative support to the Board and its relevant sub-committees is provided by the Operations & Finance Lead.

Both the General Manager and the Operations & Finance Lead are in attendance of Board meetings.

Correspondence to the Board of TU Dublin SU CLG can be addressed to the Chair and submitted to

What are the subcommittees of the Board? 

The Board of TU Dublin SU CLG has three subcommittees which support the operation of the Board through their focus on specific areas of governance. Details of these committees are outlined below:

Finance, Audit and Risk Subcommittee

The Finance, Audit and Risk subcommittee, (FARC), primary responsibility is to assist and support the Board in fulfilling its responsibilities in ensuring proper accounting processes, financial reporting, proper internal controls, and governance procedures in the company are adhered to. The subcommittee also recommends policies in the areas of Finance and Risk to the Board for approval.

  • The Committee is chaired by Frank Crummey (external Director)

The other members of the committee include:

  • The President of TU Dublin SU
  • The four Overall VPs of TU Dublin SU 
  • Two student directors elected by Student Council 
  • The General Manager and the Finance Executive are normally in attendance at this meeting
  • The Operations & Finance Lead is the administrator of this committee

Correspondence for this committee can be submitted to


Human Resources and Remuneration Subcommittee

The primary responsibility of the HR and Remuneration subcommittee is to provide support and advice to the General Manager and the Board in the management of human resources and industrial relations in the company. It is also responsible for determining the remuneration policy for staff and management. Health and Safety of the organisation is overseen by this subcommittee. The subcommittee also recommends policies in the areas of HR and Remuneration to the board for approval.

  • The Committee is chaired by the Chairperson of the Board

The other members of the committee include:

  • The President of TU Dublin SU
  • The four Overall VPs of TU Dublin SU
  • Two other external Directors 
  • Two student directors elected by Student Council
  • The General Manager is normally in attendance at this meeting.
  • The Operations & Finance Lead provides administration for this committee

Correspondence for this committee can be submitted to

Nominations Subcommittee

The primary responsibility of the Nominations Subcommittee is to regularly review the structure of the Board, identify and nominate suitable candidates for the role of external director and put in place processes for succession planning. The following is the membership of the Committee:

  • Chair of TU Dublin SU CLG
  • Three directors, one of whom should be the President of TU Dublin SU and one of whom should be a director appointed by Student Council 


How does the Board work with Student Council?

The article 5.6 of the Constitution of the Students' Union gives the Board its remit: “The sole and exclusive power to bind the Union to a lawful contract is hereby vested in the Board of TU Dublin SU CLG; no other authority, body or person so elected or established under this Constitution has the power to bind the Union to a lawful contract. TU Dublin SU CLG shall regulate its own affairs subject to the laws of Ireland, and shall endeavour to be cognisant of the policies of the Student Council.”    

  • An annual workplan (which is reviewed mid-year) is agreed on by Student Council and the Board. It defines the priorities of the SU for both staff and officers. - Work Plan 2023-2024
  • Service Plan (to follow)
  • Strategy Statement (to follow)
  • In 2024, the Board approved the Irish Diversity Charter.