Electoral Commission


As TU Dublin SU is a democratic organisation, elections are one of the most fundamental aspects of its functions and are taken very seriously. To ensure TU Dublin SU always conforms with its obligations and responsibilities, the Electoral Commission is regulating and making decisions about all elections, referenda and confirmation ballots. 


You can find important Electoral Commission documents that define the work of Electoral Commission and SU elections here:

Electoral Comission Terms of Reference

TU Dublin SU Election Procedures


The Electoral Commission regulates the operations of all elections, referenda, confirmation ballots. In the interest of carrying out its work , there is provision for 4 students to sit on the Commission (Article 9.4 TU Dublin SU Constitution), together with the President and an external independent Chairperson.  The Commission meets monthly and generally works on a consensus basis. This is open to all registered TU Dublin students.


What do Electoral Commission members do?

Electoral Commission has regular meetings where they decide how to run all SU elections which include e.g. Class Rep, Student Councillor and Officer elections. Electoral Commission members discuss and decide the practices and procedures that will be followed in the Students’ Union. The Electoral Commission initially establishes the rules of elections and oversees all procedures during elections.


Who can be an Electoral Commission member?

The Electoral Commission consists of an independent chairperson, an elected officer (usually the President) and four student members appointed by Student Council. Student members of Electoral Commission must be registered students of TU Dublin for the duration of their term. The term time for Electoral Commission is generally from November to the following November. The student members work on voluntary basis.


What is the benefit of becoming an Electoral Commission member?

Electoral Commission is one of the cornerstones of our Students’ Union as they rule the democratic execution of all elections. This position provides an insight to democracy and the members play a vital role in defining how all elections are run. You also get to work closely with a group of six people and learn how the Electoral Commission functions. 


How can you become an Electoral Commission member?

TU Dublin Students’ Union has interesting positions for students in the Electoral Commission (the body who regulates the operations of all SU elections). Any registered student is eligible to nominate themselves for these positions, and the positions are filled by a vote in Student Council.


If you want more information on the work of Electoral Commission, you can contact the Representation Team at Representation@tudublinsu.ie