Academic Affairs

Education! It's the reason why you came here, but sometimes it can be tricky navigating your way around the Academic landscape. That's why we have a whole section of our Union dedicated to Educational issues and queries. Take a look around and hopefully we can help!


Academic Terminology Glossary

Semesters, modules, VLE, learning outcomes, these are just some of the jargon of third level study. Here’s a handy guide to College Lingo that explains some of the more commonly used terms that you will come across as a student in TU Dublin.

Quality Matters

The diverse range of programmes delivered in TU Dublin are placed on the National Framework of Quality for Higher Education and monitored in terms of their quality (content, delivery, assessment) and accountability by Quality & Qualifications Ireland .

All universities are required to produce detailed policies and procedures that govern how they will deliver and assess all their programmes. The University is currently in the process of developing a single comprehensive quality assurance framework that will govern all its programmes. As part of this exercise, the Students’ Union will ensure there are extensive opportunities for students to be involved in quality and decision-making processes for their programme. For the moment though 3 separate policy frameworks apply, See Quality Policy & Procedures  if you want to get a detailed insight to how these operate.  

Core to the quality process is the Class Representative. The Students’ Union is heavily involved in the election, training and support of the Reps so that they can be effective as the voice of their class in formal quality structures, in addition to problem solving on a day to day basis. It is also vital that individual students are encouraged to engage with the development of their programme. As key stakeholders, you have the right to participate in shaping your academic experience, to provide feedback and critique of your learning environment.

I want to Complain!

Most of the time, students have no major concerns with the quality and delivery of their programmes, nearly all issues should be resolved speedily through engagement with the School management. However, from time to time when it is not possible to sort out problems informally students can engage with the Complaints Process as outlined in the Quality Policy & Procedures .

Submitting the Student Complaints Form is a straight forward procedure and we can offer advice and support to any student or a class who wants to do so and follow-up if necessary.

Your Student Handbook

You should receive a Student Handbook specific to your Programme and year at the start of first semester. This is a very handy document as it outlines how your programme is organised and delivered for both semesters.  In it you will find all your module descriptors, the methods of assessment (e.g. number of exams, projects, assignments) staff contact details links to timetables, web resources, student services, and more.  If you have not received a Handbook, you should ask your Year Tutor, or the Class Rep should follow up with the Chair of the Programme Committee to rectify the situation. 

Contact us at if this persists or you want to discuss further.